

俚语 democritic


What every US citizen should be regarding the state of our democracy
Today we must be democritical if we want our children to have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I am a democritic, exposing the blatant bullshit that goes on in the Democratic Party.


A dictator who talks about voting,elections and free speech but then controls the elections and punishes anyone who speaks against him.
Putin and Xi are examples of a democritator in the modern world.


What the Democratic party should just go ahead and rename itself.

It's a contraction of Demcrats and Hypocrites which fits those fucking jackasses perfectly.
Dirty fucking Democrites are waffling and flip flopping again.


Another derogatory nickname for a Democrat, especially a liberal. It is a contraction of Democrat (first half) and hypocrites (second half). This is used based on the fact that most Democrats are a bunch of two-faced hypocrites who only defend certain positions and stand up for certain groups of people.
-Claim to be against corporations and hate big business, but many of them have their own (ex. John Kerry has Heinz).
-Say they're not racists but grill black, Asian, and Hispanics people when they are part of the Republican Party. (ex. Condoleeza Rice being called "Aunt Jemima".)
-Declare themselves to fight for racial equality when in reality they get "special" and extra rights for specific racial and ethnic minorities (which puts them above everyone else because it breaks the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution), while rarely giving anything to Native Americans.
-Hate and try to ban Christianity while sticking up for other "oppressed" religions like Judiasm and Islam.
-Blame Bush for all the deaths and tragedies in Iraq and calling him a warmonger, when presidents like Wilson, Truman, and LBJ (Lyndon B. Johnson) got us into most of the wars during the 20th Century.

Editors, don't delete this just because you don't agree with it.

The Kentucky Yankee: Bringing you numerous definitions about politics and those involved in them since August 2004.


A person who routinely changes their mind on political issues to fit the current narrative, but acts as if they are consistent.
"Why does Biden still keep kids in cages?"

"He's a democrite, that's why."


A combination of Democrat and Hypocrite used to describe a person for whom liberal hypocrisy has become a defining characteristic.
I have given up on talking to Wendy since it is apparent that she is a Democrite and a logical conversation is no longer possible.


The Democratic party's double standards and signature hypocritical nature combined in one word.
Classic democrit Nancy gets a haircut while everyone else is forbidden. She's such a proud

and obvious democratic hypocrite.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:26:58