Possibly the sexiest human being alive, born straight from his mother's vagina...demonater10 has been as sexy as possible since the day he was born. No man can attest to his sexyness, not even demonater10 himself.
If a girl see's this sexual being her legs will become weak and she will say "OGMMMMMMMMMMM HE IS THE SEXIEST PERSON IV'E EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@*(&@#(*&@#!"
demonater10's true meaning is: pr0nmasterextroidinaire
oh look! itr brian AKA demonater10 hes teh PR0NMASTEREXTROIDINAIRE!!!!1111oneeeee
2nd to rick, in favoritism by kylah
Rick is kylah's favorite, but demonater10 is only kylah's second