Feelings of severe depression and oppression caused by Democrats being in office.
"The general national mood can only be described as one of prolonged dempression"
"On January 20, 2021 over 74,216,154 Americans were diagnosed with dempression"
"The Republicans are trying to stay several steps ahead of gloom, despair, deep dark dempression, and excessive misery"
"On January 20, 2021 over 74,216,154 Americans were diagnosed with dempression"
"The Republicans are trying to stay several steps ahead of gloom, despair, deep dark dempression, and excessive misery"
Pretending to be depressed with the goal of receiving attention, validation and sympathy from others.
1: George seems so down recently.
2: Don't buy into it they're just being dempressed.
2: Don't buy into it they're just being dempressed.