

俚语 denard


A cool guy who is very eccentric and good looking
Hey look at george, he is very denard


To Denard: The act of giving a meaningful gift to another on your own day of celebration.
Brad gave me a gift on his birthday. He totally Denarded me!



To get fucked up. An allusion to Denard Robinson, QB of the University of Michigan, running circles around the other team.
Let's get denarded tonight.


The absolute piss pounding, ass kicking, anilation & ruthless slaughter demolishing any & all opponents of Denard Robinson's!
There will be some serious denarding this weekend against Michigan State!


1. action, The removal of the nards

2. verb, denarded nards
Past-tense; denarded, current tense, denarding
Poacher 1: Bro i totally denarded that white lion.
Poacher 2: what’s denarding?
Poacher 1: You just take the nards of something and yoink them out...


A very large, puss-filled abcess on one's booty. aka a pain in one's ass.
"Working late is becoming a real denard"


Adj. - The emotional sometimes physical reaction upon seeing the amazing and rock star cool athletic feats displayed by Minnesota Twins center fielder slash lead-off hitter Denard Span. The reaction in the human body is scientifically proven to be higher in energy then the same response to any other baseball player similar to Denard Span.

Original coined by the 93x Half Assed Morning Show.
Dude, we went to Target Field and totally got Denarded




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更新时间:2024/9/21 10:55:37