

俚语 depper


A gammy legged, boss eyed gimp who has trouble trying to tie his shoes.
Barry - "What's that Rustling around in the bushes"
Garth - "Ah that's Gordon, he's a right Depper"


Going deeper to an uncomfortable level akin to an overvisimilitude of pepper.
Depper, baby? Naw, got some indigestion from too mucho cillie and greenpepper.

Mountain Depper

A mix of Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper. It taste amazing. You will love it forever once you've tasted it.
Josh: Hey dude, try this. I mixed mountain dew and dr. pepper. I call it..Mountain Depper!
Robert: *tries it* Holy crap! You're amazing! You should make this a real drink.

yepper dee depper

Someone enthusiastically agreeing with someone else.
My friend had asked me if I'd like to go to the party, and I replied, "I certainly yepper dee depper do!"




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