

俚语 dersh


Slang word used in the context of hating someone or just to show stupidity; a donkey of sorts.
God, Darshan, you are such a dersh.


Department of Employee Relationships, Socialization, and Happiness
OMG DERSH is so awesome, whoever created it must be pretty awesome. I love the lunch’s and coffee chats DERSH puts on.


to smack into a large inanimate object, such as a tree. Like shwapp
I didn't even see the tree when my forehead dershed it.


An expression used to interupt one's own train of thought when they are miffed or otherwise confused. Also used in place of a proper reply. Can be substituted as filler when speaking eubonics.
"Marty, where'd you get those kickin' headphones?"
"I got 'em at dat...that one place umm...Dershna(-dersh)!"
"How are you doin' today man?"

full dersh

When someone changes their mind 180 degrees.
He is doing a full dersh

dersh gaming

And udderly bad ass youtuber who deserves more attention.
n00b: who ya watching?
Obvious badass: this MLG Quik scupr Dersh Gaming
n00b: *gits rekt*


Dersh: a slang word used as synonim for strong, muscled, smart, ....
That guy is strong.
That guy is dersh.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:32:14