uber dude, has all the phat loot
Descension: ROAR!!!!111 one shift one
scrotal descension
(skroh-tuhl dih-sen-shuhn)
1. The scientific name for the act of tea bagging.
2. Placing the external sac of skin enclosing the testes in most male animals into the cavity containing the structures used in mastication of another animal.
1. The scientific name for the act of tea bagging.
2. Placing the external sac of skin enclosing the testes in most male animals into the cavity containing the structures used in mastication of another animal.
Scrotal descension has been reported to increase spermatozoon levels in organisms of the kingdom animalia and elevate the humiliation levels pertaining to said entities receiving the maneuver.
Eidolonic ascension/descension experience
What happens when your body perceives a change in elevation and proceeds to make you think you are about to step up or down only to jar the experiencer into a self conscious awkwardness and sense of mistrust in their own perceptions.
I saw Marcus throw his back out during an "Eidolonic ascension/descension experience" while taking the stairs.