

俚语 desert rat's

Desert Rat

Someone who was born, raised, or has most of their life in the desert and is proud of where they come from because of the beauty the desert holds. Most associated with people for the Southwest; such as Western Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and parts of SoCal.
She moved to Portland, but will always be a desert rat at heart.

desert rat

anyone who lives/grew up in the desert, and therefore, by association, is/was a hick.
She is a desert rat at heart, but she's adjusted well to city-life.

Desert Rat

Some one who was born or lives in the High Desert of southern California for a long time and has pride of the desert usually a punker a desert rat also usually roams the streets a lot smoke weed and drinks King Cobras
Hey man did you see Joe at the Spitting On Cops show last night?

Ya hes always at those shows what a desert rat

Desert Rat

A term for a woman who grew up in or near a desert town, and they may be REALLY hot, but something is always just a little fucked up about them
A hot chick who seems normal at first glance.... but she has 12 kids and a meth addicted ex husband who is naturally in jail.

Or really hot and nice, but missing a toe.

"Wow, look at her!....Careful, she's a desert rat"

Desert rat

During the summer months they can be spotted mostly at night. The adolescent of the species typically wakes up with thorns and scratches covering most of their bodies with no memory of how they got there. There natural habitat is the Sonoran desert and Sky Islands. Both male and female adults will scowl at those from California and ask when their moving back. Other than a slightly xenophobic attitude towards their habitat, they look others in the eye, open doors for others, say thank you, tell it like it is, and knows way more Mexicans than you do. For relaxation the desert rat will go to one of those water spots you can't find on Google and never will. A desert rat will stand out in autumn and spring, they will be the ones wearing a sweater at 75° The xenophobic desert rat loves their desert and is a good steward of it, often turning off the water while brushing teeth, washing hands, and has a dirty vehicle.
Those desert rats all seem to have a 4X4, high caliber rifle and at least 3 articles of camouflage clothing.

desert rat

noun. A person, usually male, who enters and stays in the desert (for an extended period of time) with the intent of shooting rockets, live fire, and paintballs.
David shot his foot while on a desert rat trip; he should stay in the city from now on.

desert rats

The modern day desert rats are the descendant units and battalions of the british army involved in the war in north africa in WW2, the desert rats (7th armoured brigade) are famed with winning the battle of el alamein in WW2 and more recently the large part they took in taking al basrah in southern iraq, the brigade has a high amount of scots in it due to the 4th highlanders making up a large percentage of the infantry in the brigade.
general- hmm i say we send in the USMC to take southern iraq.
clever general- well you see the USMC is diluted and seriously overated, well it is a desert, lets try the desert rats
*clap clap clap*




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