

俚语 despirate


Used to describe a person who is so pathetically infatuated with a person or sexually desperate that they become so desperate, they actually plunder the meaning of the word desperate.
Ex 1: "That girl will do anything to be with her man that she's being a despirate."

Ex 2: "I think I'm going to hook up with my ex tonight."

"Wow, don't be a despirate."


Adopting pirate like tactics when you have very few options left.

despirate = desperate + pirate
When it's a question of survival, small brands adopt despirate tactics.


to be aspiring and desiring
He despired to be a good actor.


To desire and despise.

A love/hate relationship
Nacy - "I don't know what to do "
Milo-" what do you mean?"
Nacy " I love him so much but he gets under my skin at the same time, I need him, i hate him, i want him, hes scum!"
Milo-" you despire him"
Nacy-"I what?…"
Milo" you desire him (love) and you despise him(hate)"
Nacy-" yes, I despire him :("


a couple who are despirate to go at it 24/7 even if it mean leaving there childeren to walk home from places far away.
rory's parents is a good example of this, just proves 2 weeks isn't long enough. despiration is a sin!


Desire and perspire; Trying so hard that you physically sweat.
Nancy's focus was on point as she despired to ace her exam.

death and despire

the feeling when you are around a person that is named elijah and you dont know how to off yourself
I get death and despire from elijah being stupid




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:22:28