

俚语 detroit macarena

detroit macarena

The steps of being frisked and cuffed, set to the back-beat of the Macarena:

1st step; left hand on police cruiser hood. 2nd step; right hand on police cruiser hood. 3rd step; leg spread shoudler-width apart. 4th step; left hand on back of head. 5th step; right hand on back of head. 6th step; back of left hand on small of back. 7th step; right hand on small of back. 8th step; crouch down and slide over.
"My buddy was walking back from the gas station, he just bought a pack of smokes when the cops lit him up. Apparently he 'looked like someone they were looking for', and when he tried to argue that he wasn't even that cat? They had him doing the Detroit Macarena while they tossed his wallet. Bunch of pigs."




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