

俚语 devil's advocate

devil's advocate

dev·il's advocate
One who argues against a cause or position, not as a committed opponent but simply for the sake of argument or to determine the validity of the cause or position.
Roman Catholic Church. An official appointed to present arguments against a proposed canonization or beatification.

devil's advocate

someone who chooses to say the opposite of what another person thinks or says, simply to be an asshole.
P1: "I really like apple pie."
P2: "apple pie is disgusting, I hate it"
P3: "Geez, P2, stop being such a devil's advocate, its annoying."
P2: "I'm just stating my opinion, chill out."

devil's advocate

devil's bitch
When the devil was bending Sam over, Sam was being such a fucking devil's advocate.

devil’s advocate

Someone who challenges an opposing point of view to spark debate, arguement, or controversy on a specific topic.
He will have to play devil’s advocate to get his viewpoint across.

devils advocate

One who argues against a popular cause or position, not as a committed opponent but simply to make people discuss and consider it in more detail.
Person: lets go swimming
Devils advocate: people pee in the pool, do you really want to go?

Devil's Advocate

to argue just for the fuck of it.
He's such a Devil's Advocate!!

The Devils Advocate

what you choose to do when you want to be a dick but you don't want to get called out on in
"now if i could just play the devils advocate..."
"no. no you cannot"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:37:32