

俚语 akume


the meaning of this name is "gods gift" he/she is extremely sexy and is a complete guy or lady magnet, he/she is super smart and a good to know, he/she is loyal to any of his/hers friends and has a really short anger if anyone betrays he/shes trust 100% berserk.
Girl: oh my gosh its Akume i wish i was gods gift!!
guy: far out Akumes such a lady magnet i wish i was him


a faggot who never does anything with his life. He could also be a god but in rare cases. For the most, this person is a poopy head.
Wow he is such an Akum


a lazy hoe, got a lube shop, obssessed with porn, loves chicken breasts, is fat, lives in a hot place, is gay
you are such an akum




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:39:58