

俚语 diamond head

Diamond Head

Kickass British metal band (part of the NWoBHM). Greatly infulenced Metallica.
Diamond Head's Lightning to The Nation's is one of the best metal albums ever.

diamond head

if your playing football and you header the ball a completlwy different way to were you were supost too.
wot wo that ya diamond head

diamond head

a person with a big huge diamond head aka elliot sykes
elliot sykes onion
person shut the fuck up diamond head

gelled diamond head

the even in which a male jizzes on the face of a female and smears his cum over her eyebrows, causing her eyebrows to be gelled.
dude, I love giving my grandma gelled diamond head!

diamond head lake

a small lake in mid-iowa with few people in it. the big reason its there is so pedefiles and rapists and drug-dealers can hang out there, day and night. good for skiing, and lots of meth labs. Sometimes refered to as "DHL" Does not appear on a map, but is labeled as, "Dexter"
We went to Diamond Head Lake to buy some pot!
When i went to DHL I got raped!

Hiking Diamond Head

Slang for having an extramarital affair in Hawai`i. See Hiking in Appalachia - referring to Governor Mark Sanford of North Carolina's extramarital affair.
(Pidgin) Sistah's gone hiking Diamond Head again before hubby is pau hana.

(American English) She's hiking Diamond Head again while her husband is at work.




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