

俚语 dick ache

dick ache

when a male has had an erection for an extended length of time without an orgasm, the dick can begin to ache and throb similar to that of a headache
a condition similar to blue balls but affecting the dick
I had an erection for such a long time after taking the viagra that I began to get a dick ache

dick ache

the kind of ache that you feel in your dick when you have an extensive fuck session of rough vigorous sex or prolonged sex, leaves you unable to sit, walk or piss properly for a while
I dicked her down last night, her pussy can still feel my dick. But I realise I've got a dick ache too. Haha. Can still feel her tight grip.

dick ache

when a female has given to much head, and ends up with a dick ache
Lauren: Hey i heard you gave Josh some head last night??
Heather: Psh, yea and I woke up this morning with a dick ache.

Dick ache

When a girl gets fucked so hard she gets a stomach ache
He fucked me so hard lastnight I had the worst dick ache

Dick Ache

Result of Cock Gravel.
When Timmy died at Level 13 because of his Dick Ache!

Dick Ache

Dick ache - the feeling of intense sexual dissatisfaction. When sexual stimulation is out matched by disappointment.
"i really liked her but her Instagram hoeing gave me dick ache"




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