

俚语 dickback


A mix of a darty and a kickback; i.e. a chill party but during the day. A dickback includes drinking, but no one is necessarily drunk.
Hey man, are you going to Steve's on Saturday? It's supposed to be wild.

Idk, I heard it's more of a dickback, but it should be chill.


n, A game in which the objective is to place your penis upon someone else's back.
v tr, To participate in the aforementioned game.
ex1; A nude beach is the perfect place for dickback.
ex2; I was doing push ups when my friend dickbacked me.


similar a dayger or darty a dickback is a small party or kickback held during the day time.
“Hey Jason do you want to go to the beach?”
“Sorry Sophia I’m going a dickback with a couple of my guys.”


Originating from the odd case of having penises on ones back, without realization.
A dickback is someone who thinks they are right or being helpful but are actually being a dick; thus cannot see the dicks on their back.
"Last night Bob told me i needed to get back with my cheating ex, i didn't even know what to say...he is suck a dickback!"


The art of doodling a dick on one's back while they are passed the fuck out, so that they will discover it hours or even days later.

Mike: "Dude, you have a dick on your back!"
Bradley: "Damn it! I got dickbacked again? Nooooooooo!"


The upper side of one's penis, opposite the dickbelly.
"Of course I'm sure, man. I know these roads better than my own dickback."


To have sexual intercourse with your friends boyfriend because you can't find your own
That girl is a slut, she is always dickbacking someone.




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更新时间:2024/9/19 23:56:50