

俚语 dickballs


A ball made of tape which then has dicks drawn all over it... usually creative dicks, such as dicks with bowties.
Today I was bored in class so i made a dick-ball.

Dick Balled

When someone does something extremely unnecessary, at the most unnecessary time....

Lets say Charles is driving, and gets cut off for no absolute reason...

Charles: "I just got fucking Dick Balled!"

dick balls

Slang word shouted in fustration or in suprise. Also used as a description of the male genitals area. Used often in online gaming, such as Call of Duty.
What the dick balls?
I kicked that guy in the dick balls!
Dick balls these guys suck at this game.


When you are procrastinating a task at work and do something else non-work related.
Boss: "Hey, stop Dick-Balling about and get them products added onto the website!"

Lazy Employee: "Sorry Sir, I will get back to work ASAP."

Dick Ball

A dick ball is when a bowler bowls the cricket ball and nips back into your dick.
“Go on Cleggy, bowl a dick ball.”


“Not another dick ball” he says whilst the batter drops to the floor.

dick balls

A trifecta of dicks
Person 1: Ahhhhhh Dick Balls!
Person 2: What is dick balls?
Person 1: A trifecta of dicks!

Dick Ball Syndrome

Where your dick and balls are so flabby that they reach your belly button just by jumping
Becky,I have Dick Ball Syndrome. I will never jump again!




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