

俚语 dick bandit

dick bandit

a huge slut who goes for every dick out there! popularized by juvenile's song entitled back that ass up
damnnnnnnn that gurl is a dick bandit, she hooked up with everyone

dick bandit

The combination of a Douche Bag and an Asshole. Most often a goofy, pathetic or annoying individual.
Jimmy is such a Dick Bandit. He's always drinking my beer!

The Dick Bandit

An unknown vigilante who draws dicks on various objects such as desks and computers for amusement.
The dick bandit struck again.

Dick Bandit

One who spends his nights stealing the dicks of other individuals and then stores them in mason jars in his room.
Zac is such a dick bandit that he has 48 jars of stolen cocks in his room!
(Also see cock hound)

Dick Bandit

Gay Ray, homosexual male, fag, haggott, any male that likes dick, especially in the ass.
Gay Ray is a dick bandit!

Big Dick Bandit

When a guy with a bigger dick steals your girl.
Don't let the big dick bandit get close to your girlfriend, you've been warned.

big dick bandit

A person who has an above-average sized cock and seeks out females to put the cock to use. Usually a person that sneaks up on women and whips it out.
Eric watched as Mr. Collins approached the girl secretly from behind, and he said, "watch out, here comes the big dick bandit!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:11:01