

俚语 dick chomp

dick chomp

when someone's getting a road head, hit a pothole, and the girl's mouth involuntarily chomps down on the dick
guy 1: dude i was getting a road head last night..
guy 2: that's awesome!
guy 1: yeah, but then we hit a pothole and she dick chomped me
guy 2: bitch!

chomp dick

A dismissal as in go away, get lost, fuck off or fuck you.
You dont like me? Chomp Dick!

Chomp Dick

A very rare occasion that people with the first name "Tyler" get. This happens when a girl is giving you head and she bites down on your dick. Recently, Tyler Waldron has suffered from this. F's in the chat.
My name is Tyler Waldron and I received CHOMP DICK.

chomp dick off

When you chomp a dick off
Person 1: hey there

Person 2: heyy *chomp dick off*




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:28:23