dick dumpster
a hole where many hwang chungs have gone before, used and slopppy, usually said to slutty people
Man, what a stupid dick dumpster
dick dumpster
some1 who is a slut...takez in a lotta dick
created by my nigga J-Wattz
created by my nigga J-Wattz
J-Wattz: damn that bitch iz a dick dumster!
Dylan: a wut???
J-Wattz: a dick dumpster...u kno a dumpster gets filled wit a lotta stuff a dick dumpster iz sum1 who getz a lotta dick a slut
Dylan: oo damn theaz a lotta dick dumpsterz out thea
Dylan: a wut???
J-Wattz: a dick dumpster...u kno a dumpster gets filled wit a lotta stuff a dick dumpster iz sum1 who getz a lotta dick a slut
Dylan: oo damn theaz a lotta dick dumpsterz out thea
dick dumpster
Used to describe a slutty or whorish girl.
She sleeps with everyone... she's a total dick dumpster.
Dumpster dicking
Having sex behind the dumpster of a bar.
I'm pretty sure those two are outside dumpster dicking.
dumpster dick
A guy who will fuck the fattest, skankiest, dirtiest chick at the bar, because as he puts it, "fat pussy is better than no pussy." Sometimes you wonder if there is anywhere this guy WON'T stick his cock.
Dude, you fucked that disgusting fat skank?!?!? Is there anywhere you WON'T stick your cock, you fuckin' dumpster dick?
Dumpster dick
Having sex with 2 (or more) females at least 1 hour apart within 24 hours and having not showered
Dave has dumpster Dick after banging those 2 girls last night
dumpster dick
a dick that fucks to many ho's or prostitutes and becomes infected with disease.
Man, i think i have a dumpster dick from fucking that prostitute on main st. last night.