

俚语 dick-ears


n. A person disliked. Insulting name for a person, such as "dick-head".
What's up, dick ears?

Mr. Dick Ear

Mr. Dick Ear is the term you would call someone who has an ear fetish and enjoys putting their dicks into people's ears.
She found out that the strange man was a Mr. Dick Ear when he tried to have sex with her ear.

whale dick earring

so basically it’s a earring that is made up of whale dick, and it’s pretty hot. it smells super good and all the guys will be coming for you. it is being sold now on whaledicksRus.com u can get killer whale, or even shark dick! buy now for the extremely low price of 1938.99! go to whaledicksRus.com
mark - hey i love your earrings what are they made of?

dick with ears

A male that is a self-absorbed, clueless piece of shit. Hated by both men and women. In other words, a real DICK and hence the name "dick with ears."
Mike is dick with ears.

dick in ear

To 'dick in ear' is to stick one's dick into someones ear and fuck some sense into them.
Oi! Cameron, if you don't stop that I'm gonna perform dick in ear and fuck some sense into you!!

dick with ears

A male that is a self-absorbed, clueless piece of shit. Hated by both men and women. usually bald and who looks like the tip of a penis. usually such a person is incredibly selfish and self-centered and has no ability to look at himself and instead constantly blames others when he see's something that he doesn't agree with or like. said person likes to play the victim and usually acts like a child by being a Tattletail because he cant fight his own fights knowing he is unable to because he lacks the self confidence as well as the knowledge to do so. these people (usually males) are constantly seeking attention and validation and have no problem making themselves out to be the dick even if they dont recognize it, the people around them do notice and hence he ends up pushing people away because again he is unable to look at himself and realize that maybe he is the problem. the bald head is usually a symbol for his lack of masculinity in being a real man. thus he ends up looking like being a dick with ears.
"He is so rude to everyone and wont listen to anyone but himself, he's such a dick with ears. and that haircut isnt helping him much either."

ear dicked

when someone is sleeping, you put ur shag stick in their ear. Kinda gay but really really funny to watch.
Yo Nick just ear dicked Ben, that little fag probobly enjoyed it too!




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