

俚语 dickery


The state of being a dick
Damn, that guy's dickery is off the charts!


The act or behavior of someone, that is to say a dicker, who is dicking around(i.e. random or purposeless action).
I wish people around here would cut out the dickery and do some work.


Nonsense, or shit. Something unbelievable or frustrating.
Guy #1: Man, they told us we aren't allowed to eat in the caf anymore!
Guy #2: What is this dickery?!?!?!


your acting like a dick and you have no type of respect for women
your being very dickery


The action of doing something that will make you look like a dick, or be seen as a dick.
Jack performed an act of dickery yesterday, when he shoved that girl's face into the cake.


When playing a game in such a way as to piss off anyone who is playing with you or against you. To turn being a dick into a viable way of playing a game. It is only dickery if they are aware of what they are doing or when they smile as they do it.
"Quit doing the same move over and over again that is just pure dickery."

"Haha, look at the dickery I just pulled on this guy."


The act of being a complete dick, someone who is very rude.
Melissa: Did you hear about Bernard's dickery?

Josh: No!

Melissa: Yeah Jill finally told him she liked him and he told her "I don't like you like that" even though he tried to fuck Jill prom weekend!

Josh: Wow what a douchebag!




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