

俚语 dick gypsy

dick gypsy

a girl that moves from one guy to the next in search of what she can scam from them before moving on to the next.
usually shared among a group of friends.
April is SUCH a dick gypsy. I am sure that once she gets what she can from the W.H.O.R.E. boys she will find another group to stroke off.

dick gypsy

a girl that moves from one guy to the next in search of what she can scam from them before moving on to the next.
usually shared among a group of friends.
April is SUCH a dick gypsy. I am sure that once she gets what she can from the W.H.O.R.E. boys she will find another group to stroke off.

dick beating gypsy

Mechanic that stands around all day talking about his penis size instead of turning wrenches.
Anthony and Poncho are both a couple of dick beating gypsy pricks. They need to fix that minivan.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:31:06