

俚语 dick hickey

dick hickey

When a chick sucks on the side, or tip, of your dick leaving a red mark.
I dragged this chick home from the club last night but she gave me a fuking dick hickey

dick hickey

it’s a fucking dick hickey bro
#dick #dickey #hickey #dick hickey

dick hickey

When making out with a girl your dick is so hard for so long that when you are done you have left a bruise in the shape of your cock on her inner thigh.
"Hey man, did you guys do it last night?"
"Nah, but we made out for so long that I gave her a dick hickey."

dick hickey

when a fat fukin chick thinks your cock is a nice juicy ballpark frank and sucks on it like she hasn't eaten in 5 whole minutes leaving bite or lipstick marks around your johnson.
you fugly bitch, who would put relish on a cock

Hickey Dick

When you get felatio and the girl (or boy) sucks just a little too hard and you get a hickey on your dicky.
Dude she blew me so hard last night I now have a hickey dick

Hickey Dick

A term used for a hickey on the head of the dick. Usually coming from someone that has drank a considerable amount of alcohol, from which them imagining themselves as a cock vampire trying to suck the blood from the dick. Also see dickie
I fed my wife so many drinks, she attempted to pull the blood from my penis. She didn't get any blood, but sure gave some good Hickey Dick!




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