

俚语 dick hug

dick hug

to press your dick on a girl during a hug

note: this may or may not be on purpose
i was hugging my friend last night when i noticed he was giving me a dick hug

dick hug

When a women's has large vaginal lips that wrap around a mans penis during intercourse with her vulva is stretched to max capacity.
Dazed's is so big my lips hug his dick so tight, and he loves my dick hugs

dick hugging

when a guy is an ass to you because he is with his another guy friend
brad was being an ass to us because he was too busy dick hugging zach.

Dick Hug

1. Hugging a dick. With your arms. Like a normal hug. Except with a dick.

2. Hand Job.

3. Intercourse.
1. Aw, you look a little sad. Here have a dick hug. *dick hug*

2. Hey girl can I just get a little dick hug.

3. Hey girl can I just get a little dick hug.

Dick Hug

a) To have sex, Get laid

b) Blow Job

c) Hand Job
"Gonna make a phone call and see if I can get a dick hug"

"I need to get a dick hug"

Hug Dick

When you and bae know its just a cuddling session but you can't help but pop a boner.
Steve: Yeah man I'm in the doghouse today
John: Awwhh shit why's that?
Steve: Well she was crying about her fish dying so we were cuddling and I got hug dick




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