

俚语 dick lipstick

dick lipstick

The red tinge given to a girl's lips after giving a blowjob, imitating that she were wearing a red lipstick.
Everyone could tell what you were doing with him in the bedroom, girl. You have dick lipstick for days.

lipstick dick

An uncircumcised cock. So named because the penis can be retracted back into the foreskin much like lipstick being retracted into the tube. Can also refer to a dick that has lipstick stain on it.
I read once that Elvis was ashamed of his lipstick dick.


A lipstick-Dick is a she male, or a cuckold or wimpy husband whose dick is either to small, or just for show, (to use to pee with).
Hey, did you see Bills little lipstick-dick? he he, No wonder his wife cuckolds him.




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