

俚语 dick ninja

dick ninja

One who takes up the nearest opportunity to suck someone's dick to reach a spotlight of some kind.
Michael: Henry instantly complemented the boss's new suit and tie and made a huge suck up speech to him too, He even got promoted the next day for it.
Oscar: Dude, what a dick ninja.
Henry: Oh hey guys! Whats up? (wipes the proverbial cum off of face)

Dick Ninja

Dick Ninja (n.) - A person who disappears without a trace in such a way or at such a time as to be a real dick.

(v.) - The behavior or action of a dick ninja.

(see also D.N.)
Tom disappeared from his best friend's wedding early to watch a football game - what a dick ninja thing to do. He really Dick Ninja'd his buddy. (or he really DN'd his buddy).

Dick City Ninja

Verb: A term used to describe the act of stealthily leaving a party or social gathering that has a high number of males, compared to females (ie; Sausagefest). This is done without saying goodbye or informing anyone in attendance that you are leaving. Thus, nobody knowing what happened to you or where you went.

Noun: This word can also be used to describe the person who partakes in the above behavior.

You can be a "Dick City Ninja" or you can engage in "Dick City Ninja-ing".

Note: Part of the skill, in this fine art is that your friends must be unaware of your exit, as well as the random people at the gathering. This tactic is mainly done by seasoned party veterans that understand that they are most likely NOT going to be getting any action because the ratio of females-to-males is at an unsatisfactory level. And, a Dick City Ninja also understands that hanging around begging for scraps is sad and pathetic. Dick City Ninjas are men of standards and honor. And it is very satisfying to chuckle and think about all the pathetic losers (Your friends probably) that are putting on there best show to impress the few "most-likely" mediocre women/barflies. It is a great laugh when the following day your friends call/text, to see if you are still alive.
Verb Example:

Guy #1: "Hey, what happened to you last night when we got to the After-Bar Party? You disappeared. There were so many people there, it was a blast!"

Dick City Ninja: "Really!? Thats funny, because when I walked in I saw 2 girls and about 20 guys. So, I Dick City Ninjaed out of there, and went home to drink beer, and do something that wasn't a complete waste of time!"

Guy #1: "What do you mean!? There were at least 5 girls there!"

Dick City Ninja: "Did you get any action?"

Guy #1: "Uhhh...well not really. All the other guys were all over them and I didn't get a chance to make a move, and by that point in the night, the girls were all a sloppy mess anyway."

Dick City Ninja: "Oh Boy! I really regret my decision then. Sounds like it really WAS a blast!"

Guy #1: "You are a dick."

Dick City Ninja: "Haha."

Noun Example:

Guy #1: "Man, I don't like going to parties with John anymore!

Guy #2: "Really? Why not?"

Guy #1: "Because, he is a Dick City Ninja."

Guy #2: "Sounds like you go to some really lame parties then!"

John: "He does! They are complete sausagefests!"

Guy #1: "I hate you."

ninja dicked

Ninja dicked refers to an even that takes place when one man fingers a woman and then decides to try to stick his penis into her vagina. When the woman says no, he will continue fingering her until he thinks she has been so stupefied with pleasure that she won't know the difference between his fingers and his penis, so he will quickly remove his fingers and attempt to put his penis in. But again, he is denied. Finally, he will keep his penis SO close to her vagina that she won't have time to say no or to even notice he's switching body parts and she will be so turned on that she will have no choice but to continue on.
-Dude that girl you were with last night was totally HAWWT!
-Yea, she wouldn't do me at first but I totally ninja dicked her. -Foot five to that!

Ninja Dick

A guy who seems nice, but then turns out to be a dick in the end.
Girl 1: Hey what happened? I thought you were in a relationship.
Girl 2: Yea we broke up because he ended up being a Ninja Dick.

Ninja Dicking

Whe your are accused of have sex with someone you didnt. You were so good and slick that you didnt even know you had sex with her.
"I didnt have sex with her!"

" must be that ninja dicking."

Ninja dick

When a guy sends a pic or video of his penis without warning. it comes out of nowhere like a ninja
I was messaging jack about the school work, then all of a sudden out of nowhere he sent ninja dick.




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