

俚语 dick orange

Dick orange

Well it’s when you put orange juice on a dick
dick orange Oh damn, look at that dick orange

orange dick

A side-effect of snackerbating with Cheetos or other similar cheese-flavored snacks. Commonly abbreviated "od."
girl: why is your dick orange?
guy: I was snackerbating with Cheetos last night and have't showered yet, so I've got orange dick.


An orange-dick is a male that still lives in his mother's basement. Usually fat and usually a neckbeard. So named because eating Cheetos (the traditional food of these people) will stain your hands orange, and masturbating with an orange hand will give you an orange penis.
Mick: "I hate Jack! He's such an orange-dick."
John: "Yeah man he just sits in his mom's basement and plays Halo all day."

Dick Orange

A Orange that seems to be shaped like a dick
Omg Rebecca,tracy destroyed that dick Orange like it was nothing!

Orange dick

When your dick smells like orange
Friend: bro she said I had orange dick!
Me: what the hell is that?
Friend:you don't wanna know.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:38:25