

俚语 dick pop

Dick pop

When you push down on your dick when you have a boner and it will make a crack

This is a dick pop
I woke up this morning and did My dick pop did you


When you penetrate your partner and their genetals are so cold your dick gets frozen
When I was fucking JC's mom, she gave me a dick-pop

Chocolate dick pop

Getting a BJ after performing a devastating anal pounding to your partner. This move is performed best after the anal poundee has taken a messy shit and most likely still has some "chocolate" hangin around in their rectum.

see also (milk chocolate dick pop)
Last night i gave your sister a chocolate dick pop

Shitty Dick Pop

The act of a man ejaculating in a woman's mouth immediately after anal sex.
" Dude I can't believe you gave that bitch a Shitty Dick Pop"


When you suck the dick like a lolipop
God damn she sucked me like a dick-pop

Dick popping

Where your DICK pops like a pre-teen in gym class
"looks like Jimmy has been dick popping all day!"




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