

俚语 dick rubbing

dick rubbing

When u follow someone and do everything like them
Man that nigga earl hickerson is dick rubbing again

dick rub

in sexy movies when a girl does not undress all the way ,the actor will rub his dick on her entire body
give that blonde a dick rub

Dick Rub

Similar to a Sausage Fest. It is when you are at a party and the guys outnumber the girls at least 4 to 1.
Zack: "Lets get out of this place, there are no girls here"
Mitch: "Yeah this place is a huge dick rub, lets bounce"

swedish dick rub

when you rub your penis on sandpaper
Austin Shaw: hey kelly give me a swedish dick rub!
Kelly Vance: Sure thing asshole!

Dick Rub Club

A place where you can go and be alone to masterbate. It has exceptional porn.
O man I just got back from a family vacation. I need to make a visit to the dick rub club

Double Dick Rubbing

When you have two girls to rub your manhood at once.
John was double dick rubbing last night. He had two chicks on him all night.


A Dick-rub-Rob-ism is a funny and offensive saying to make your friends laugh; always involving at least one first name, sexual connotation, and alliteration. The term was born from the original, "Dick rub Rob rubs Rick's rib dick raw."
"I'm bored. Let's make up some dick-rub-Rob-isms."
Other examples:
Tip tug Todd takes Tim's tiny tip timidly.
Penis pull Paul parks Peter's pale prick.





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