

俚语 dick seed


When you fuck a chick, and when you finish you take your condom, blow it up like a balloon, release it into the wind, and when it touches the ground, it sprouts into a dick tree that looks like your dick. It's a sexual ritual and totally bad ass.
Dude1: yo, let's go spread our dickseeds.

Dude2: yeah, I'm tryna.


A derogatory name for a child. Generally referring to the child of a man.

History: 2019 A sperm cell must enter the uterus fertilize an egg and seed itself. This process starts from the dick and then is seeded hence the name. Coined by a Comcast tech 2089
You dirty dickseed, I could've flushed you down the toilet.

It's crazy how yesterday she was in my hands and now she's expecting her first child, that's my dickseed.


Dicksee is a girl on tt known as chillis sister
Dicksee is ok




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