

俚语 dick's girl

Coke Dick Girl

Coke Dick Girl refers to one of the skankiest girls to roam the M St. Corridor in Georgetown. She is known to almost the entire Georgetown and GWU undergrad community for going to the extremes of doing coke off guys penis' to garner attention for herself and publicly sharing her exploits.
Joe: What were you and coke dick girl doing behind the bar at rugby?
Bob: She offered to blow me if she could to a line of my dick.

dick girl

A girl who keeps her feelings locked inside of her and acts like a guy to feel cool even though she is just retarded. Usually these people are antisocial but they are bulky and sweaty.
Oh she’s such a dick girl. Stop being a dick girl and let people in on your problems.


a dick on a pre-surgery trans girl
also known as a "hen" as the feminine version of a "cock"
jeff: id suck dick
hank: so youre gay?
jeff: not if i suck girl-dick

girls dick

1. (n) a strap-on dildo.
"What is a dildo?" "It's a girls dick."

Girls Dick

Someone who is soft or weak.
That girls dick only had 3 drinks and passed out.

girls dick

A girls dick is a name given to a person, usually male who is being cowardly, pussywhipped, or just extrememly ball-less in cases that require them.Derived from the word "girls blouse" however more of a derogative term. Usually used whilst in presence of mates/ bros to express dissapointment or to persuade.Pretty much saying that someone who is a girls dick is a pussy.
Paul:"Oi bro just finish that jar of moonshine"
Andrew:"Nah bro, i cant i got work in the morning"
Paul:" haha ur a fucking girls dick bro,just do it"
Andrew:(sarcasticaly)"yeh heaps bro"


noun, the female version of rudeness and obstinence (e.g. dick) that is usually applied to a man. Similar to bitch, but with a masculine flavor.
Jenna's still wearing that necklace you gave her, even after she dumped you. What a Girl-Dick!




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