

俚语 dickshit's


dickshit one who is a dickhead and a piece of shit when calling someone a dickhead or a piece of shit want do you blurt out dickshit
my neighbor is a such a dickshit for letting his dogs crap in my yard and refuses to clean it up


A legitimate Indian surname with unfortunate connotations in the English-speaking world.
"Chief Minister of Delhi, Sheila Dickshit, has fallen in the line"


pretty much an asshole, but it's funner to say
shut up dickshit!


An insult so vile and low it can only be used to describe the most horrifically cruel and evil person.
Your parental units are such Dickshits for making you babysit your grandma!


there are several meanings:
1.) to ejaculate
2.) an insult, like asshole or fart knock
3.) to have feces on one's penis after anal
4.) when the colon is connected to the urethra, causing the man to defecate from his penis
5.) to excrete out a man's penis
1.) oh baby, i'm going to dickshit in you!
2.) lick my butthole you dickshit
3.) eww girl, you gave me a dickshit

examples 4 and 5 can be heard on the Vonal-Ksz demo "Diced Uterus in Rectal Slop"


A word used to describe the sort of person who doesn't just deserve one swear word but two so by combinding the word dick and shit creates dickshit the final form of swear words.
"Go fuck your self "

"Shut up you dickshit"


Shit left on the tip of your dick after pulling out of a girl's ass.
"..yeah, I heard he pulled out and wiped the dickshit on her blanket."
"Good for him."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:27:19