

俚语 dick shovel

Dick Shovel

The act of scooping shit out of a gaymans ass and putting it in his mouth
The guy up the road and his gay lover tried their first dick shovel on each other

Shovel dick

When you bend ur bitches back to the point her belly button can touch the bed but her ass still in the air and you put ur dick in her pussy while standing and doing squats . (Use ur dick like a shovel)
Omg JakeDuk shovel dick’d the fuck out my pussy last night . My back is still bent.

Shovel Dick

An awful drawing of a penis
"dude what are you drawing on Jason?"
"I'm drawing a huge dick!"
"Man that looks more like a Shovel Dick."

Shoveling Dicks

When a young ginger girl named slowly and unseductively beckons you forward with her high pitched voice while swinging a shovel towards your dick!! While hissing the names of pointless events that no one cares about!
Watch out here comes Amanda she is shoveling dicks

Shovel Dick

When you pull out of a girls ass and you have shit caked on you foreskin, you are said to have a bad case of shovel dick. This is because your dick now looks like a shovel after you've been digging a whole with it.
Mark had shovel dick after a night out with his mother.

Shovel Dick

The English translation for para la pinga....Meaning go to hell...or Fuck
The other day I stubbed my toe and screamed..agghh shovel dick.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:51:26