

俚语 dick skittle

dick skittle

when you pass a kidney stone out your pee hole.
"dude, i though i was giving birth but it was just another dick skittle."

Blows dick for skittles

When a situation is so wretched, it would be preferable to suck on a dick, for no compensation greater than children's candy.
Alternatively, when one is literally giving a beejer and chasing it with a bag of Skittles.
"I'm hungover, I'm not having fun, work blows dick for skittles. I want to kill myself." - Oscar Wilde

blows dick for skittles

when something really really sucks!!
Deena from Jersey Shore: I’m hungover, I’m not having a good time. Work blows dick for skittles right now, I wanna kill myself

skittle dicking

When you strategically place Skittles under your foreskin prior to a good blow job session so the female (or male if you're into that) gets a good mouthful of Skittles while going down on you.
Brenda: "I spat the rainbow this morning!"

Kent: "You were totally Skittle dicking Stephen last night!"

Skittle Dick

A nickname for anyone named Luke.
Luke K. is a Skittle Dick

Skittle dicking

The act of placing large amounts of skittles in someones's front yard, arranging it into the shape of male genitilia, and then spraying the area with their own water. After the rainbow colors soak into the grass, they will now be the proud owner of a rainbow colored penis, displayed vividly in their lawn
Trevor was such an asshole, that we had a little skittle dicking adventure in his yard the other night, taste the rainbow bitch!




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