

俚语 dickslaping



the act of being bossed, or pushed around.
My boss was dickslapping me around all day today
At work, i was dickslaped every which way


When you are recieving head from someone and they are noy doing a very good job, you slap their face with your penis until they get a black eye
SLAP!!!! You call that a blowjob? SLAP!! SLAP!!!SLAP!!!


The newest "it" sexual style among those of us of slightly freakier/non-conformist persuasion. Especially loved by dominant freak guys. Better known as cockslap. Usually done on the face, and the purpose of it is not to degrade, nor to leave very visible marks (it should be done lightly). Mainly, the purpose is to show that a girl "belongs" to a guy emotionally/spiritually/physically. It is almost a way of branding. Good to mention if you want to freak out normal people.
Shall we finish it off with a dickslap or what?- my boi to me.
You know, honey, I think I'll be so ecstatic by the end of this that I won't care if you do it.- me.


When a male genitalia gently grazes your chin
Devlin got dickslapped by MR. K while doing burpees and then proceeded to bruise his chin


To dickslap someone is to completely dominate them. the act of whipping out one's penis and slapping another person with it is to own them completely, they might as well have your name written on them.

To dickslap a woman is another way of marrying them, without all the fuss of a ceremony. Just whip it out in public and slap them there and then, they will be so OWN'D by you that they will be forced to wear a ring and do your every bidding.
*SLAP* you're my wife now bitch!!
okay... i accept it

I dickslapped that guy on call of duty! Killed him 54 times!! LOL

Girl: Hi big guy!
Guy: *dickslap*
Girl: I am yours to command


A quick "jerk" like movement of the wrist, whilst holding ones Penis, resulting in the satisfying slap of a Shiny Helmet. Usually against your womans lips or forehead if you are feeling kinky.
Julie wasnt sure she wanted Dave to be her boyfriend no more,as he kept asking if he could dickslap her.


The art of slapping yo dick upside yo biotch's head.
Dammit u ho i told ya to suck it or im gonna dickslap yo skanky ass!




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