

俚语 dick sneezing

Dick Sneezing

The process of blowing your load into a tissue.
"Hey man you have any plans tonight?"

"Yeah I was planning on watching some porn and Dick Sneezing. You?"


dick sneeze

sticky substance forming on the tip of a penis even though ejaculation has not recently occured. can be caused by drinking diet coke. can be described as slimy, sticky, translucent snot.
"hey buddy, you want a diet coke?" "no thanks man, that shit gives me a dick sneeze."

dick sneeze

ejaculation of sperm from the penis.
I was too drunk to fuck last night, I couldn't dick sneeze.

dick sneeze

jizzing on bitches...
bitch you wanna see my dick sneeze???

Dick Sneeze

1) A moment which a man ejaculates into his partners nose, there in causing the partner to sneeze back on his dick.

2) A person who annoys you out of your butthole
1)Ahhh im going to cum.....'achoo' What the fuck

2)Stop being such dick sneeze

Dick Sneeze

When you sneeze and accidentally ejaculate.
Bro, last night I had definitely dick sneezed.

dick sneeze

this is what happens when you eject cum out of your penis, otherwise known as dick sneezing
(guy getting a blowjob)

guy: "your doing great! im about to dick sneeze!"




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