

俚语 dicksniffer


1. An unpleasant or unintelligent person.
2. A person who is addicted to the aroma (odor) of the penis.
Originated in the East End of London in 1836. Was often used by Town-Cryers.
1. Stop being such a dick-sniffer and let me pay by credit card.
2. Do not go in the rest-room. I hear the dick-sniffer is on the prowl.

Dick Sniffer

1.) A complete and utter Douchebag.

2.) A causal term used to rip on your friends like Phillip or Ian.
1.) Check out that guys Ed Hardy shirt. What a dick sniffer!

2.) What's up Phillip you Dick Sniffer?

dick sniffer

a total asshole, a loser, a dick, grant
person 1- my boyfriend dumped me
person 2- omg he is a dick sniffer!

Dick Sniffer

A person who likes to smell dicks in particular on sus Saturdays or saucy Sundays
Sohaib is a right Dick Sniffer

dick sniffer

A word that faggots like to say when they are playing halo
Friend: Where are you at you dick sniffer?

Liquid Dick Sniffer

Someone who’s homosexual and really bad at Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
“Get out of here Pat, you Liquid Dick Sniffer!”




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