

俚语 dick spinning

dick spinning

spinning another dude's dick (like with your hand). Usually an insulting term used when one has run out of offensive things to say.
Ryan: Hey fagtron!
Tanya: Hey penis breath go screw yourself.
Ryan: Fuck you, why don't you just go spin a dick.
Tanya: At least I'm not in the dick spinning club.

ballerina dick spin

The ballerina dick spin is a new sexual move. It is used for sexual pleasure, and is also known as one of the hardest moves to accomplish. This move is where the girl is on top of a guy and spins around on his dick as if she mad spinning on a stripper pole. Use the ballerina dick spin today and make your man go crazy.
Ashley I gave Daniel the ballerina dick spin last night. I’ve never seen him enjoy anything so much.

Sit on a dick and spin

Aka SOADAS; An insult equivalent to go fuck yourself. Often used to end an argument leave the person shocked and speechless. If used properly win everytime.
Person 1: Your so stupid! GO DIE IN A HOLE!!
Person 2: Go sit on a dick and spin 😏

The Spinning Dick Suck

Where 2 or more people suck a dick while they are both on a merry go round. It ends when everybody throws up.
I just did the spinning dick suck for the first time at the park and it was so amazing!!!!




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