

俚语 dick swab

Dick swab

Interchangeable with fuckwit but additionally despise as being incompetent or utterly useless
Reckons he’s a genius but he’s an absolute dick swab

dick swab

someone that is used to swab..or clean..a dick..as in sucking on it to get all the shit off of it..
"yeah baby...lick that shit off..you're such a good dick swab.."

dick swab

when your about to cum, you ejactulate in ones ear then clean it out with your penis.
girl one: did he fuck you in th ear?

girl two: no just the usual dick swab.

Dick Swab

An ugly Chick that slurps the cum off of your cock after the hott chick sucks you off.Only worthless whores or just gnasty bitches that can't get any are dick swabs.Hvae fun with your new phrase boys & girls!
"this Gross bitch is such a whore it makes me sick"
"Yeah,I know,The only thing that bitch is good for is for a dick swab!"

cotton swab dick chick

A girl who uses a cotton swab to gather seminal fluid from dicks.
Hey, stop that girl! She's a cotton swab dick chick and she's stole me cum. (say it in an Irish accent)

Dick swab

Person with cream coloured fungi on inside of bell end
He's a dick swab




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