

俚语 dick whistler

dick whistler

a. cock sucker
b. Someone who plays the skin flute with pride and power
c. All gay men
We went to this party but we left early because there were a bunch of dick whistlers there

dick whistler

A person who sucks dick, or will not drink on a good friends birthday.
Man that fag would not drink on Bob's birthday, he needs to quit being a dick whistler.

dick whistler

a. cock sucker
b. Someone who plays the skin flute with pride and power
c. All gay men
d. Chris Collins
"We went to this party but we left early because there were a bunch of dick whistlers there "
"Fuck, was it Chris again?"

dick whistler

a. cock sucker
b. Someone who plays the skin flute with pride and power
c. All gay men
d. Chris Collins
"We went to this party but we left early because there were a bunch of dick whistlers there "
"Fuck, was it Chris again?"




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