

俚语 diet coke

diet coke

A drink that is to be ordered after ordering a large, unhealthy meal. As opposed to regular soda, diet soda contains no calories, sodium, carbs or sugar.
I would like 2 double whoppers with cheese, 3 large fries, onion rings, apple pie and a diet coke because I'm watching my weight

diet coke

A new form of the drug that is made for the weight-conscious crackhead.
All the fun of real coke, just without the horrible weight gain.

diet coke

A really, really good beverage, and not only for women on diets.
"Can I have a diet coke?" said the woman who was not even overweight. It just goes to show you that Diet Coke is for everyone!

diet coke

a beverage ordered by women who are ona diet after they order SEVERAL MENU ITEMS
i will have a slice of pie and diet coke

diet coke

Crushed up ritalin or focalin. Typically lasts longer than cocaine, resembles cocaine, doesn’t taste as good (stings when you snort it), and feels about the same.
I’m about to snort some Diet Coke.

diet coke

a) Diet CocaCola
b) Artificial sweetener snorted by dumb diet-crazed blondes.
The coke in the silver can.

What that dumb chick in math has on her nose.

diet coke

What people drink to be "healthy", it is in fact far more unhealthy than regular Coke due to the aspartame contained within which can eat holes in the brain.
"Got any Diet Coke?"
"No, but I've got some drano you can chug."




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