although its origins have long been disputed - can be a noun, an exclaimation or a verb to use in any interesting or meaningful situation - expecially when drunk
diggily down the flanks and so forth
some common mispellings include: particularly, diggily-do, diggles. dildy, and erkonstantanople
some common mispellings include: particularly, diggily-do, diggles. dildy, and erkonstantanople
diggily diggily
The sound of balls slapping against ass.
I was all like diggily diggily, byatch.
Figgily diggily
When a loved one gets so annoying you smack them with your dick
Shut up or I’ll Figgily diggily you in the face!!
The worst kind of person.
That guy is a total diggily ewwwww!!