digital vigilante; fact-checkers, hackers or tech-savvy activists who seek and administer justice undelivered by legal authority
Digilantes have made it more difficult for political leaders to slack.
Someone who uses the internet to fight injustice.
Mild-mannered (ahem) Simon Lazenby is in virtuality a crime-fighting digilante!
Internet-based crime-fighter, above or not neccessarily in conjunction with the law.
419eater.com is a good example of a "digilante"
digilante justice
Mob justice meted out over the internet.
Digilante justice was swift after I posted that comment about #unpopularTrump, when a crowd of white supremacists doxed me.
A casual or passionate individual or group who use digital means to wreak real havoc
It was a drunken mistake, but alas the digilantes meant sure that for this graduate, it was never forgotten.