

俚语 dig your cheese

dig your cheese

V. to pull out a wedgie. to remove underwear, pants, skirt, dress, kilt, shorts, etc. or any combination of these clothes, from between buttocks.
"dig"- pulls out; "cheese" the inflicting uncomfort from riding clothes
Ex: Girl, you need to dig your cheese, your clothes are all up in your booty!

Dude, you're going to sag your pants, at least make sure you dig your cheese, 'cause those tight assed boxers are all up in your donk, making you look extra squished.

dig your cheese

v. the act of pulling your underwear from out of your buttocks. Dig(the action) + Cheese (your underwear in your ass)
Sue thought she was the shit, unaware of her wedgie. Tom yelled out "Hey bitch, you need to dig your cheese out your ass!", thus, yanking her off her high horse




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