

俚语 dim ragoosaa


THAT IS WHEN YOU ABUSE/Rape your pet cats. It involves throwing them at a wall to impress your friend that is thinking (I gotta go). It also involves drug-ing them with cat-nip and doing “STUFF” to their lifeless body as your crying because your 6 year old girlfriend broke your heart by cheating on your best friend so as your doing your cat your thinking if I can’t have her nobody can and I’ll make my “friend” pay by causing an alarming distraction that may alert the police, but it will be worth it in the end. All I know is I can see myself in 20-50 years yelling “IM FREEEEEE” in the middle of the desert after taking a bag off my head.
I just DIm RAGOOSAAed my cat so ill be gone for a while




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更新时间:2024/12/23 6:29:57