

俚语 dina's


Dina is the most strongest independent women you'll ever meet, she's amazing and really cares about you.
Sometimes she can be a type of person to hide things so none else will have to take care of her problems,
but please ask her whats wrong and care about her because she's the most caring person you'll ever meet.
When she's sad or feeling down she doesn't tell someone else about it because she feel like she can handle all the things herself wich is not true at all because we all need someone.
*jack* omg look its dina shes so beautiful
*emelie* yeah and amazingly smart.


A young girl that is friendly to everyone, talented in every way, and beauitiful as a pearl. She can also steal one's heart with her kind words and beauty.
Hey, you know that girl named Dina? She stole my heart!


Dina is a beautiful girl with the most beautiful brown eyes. Her personality is just amazing! Almost as amazing as her looks! She has the prettiest brown hair that everyone compliments because they wish they could have hair as beautiful as hers.
I wish that I could be as pretty as Dina.


She’s pretty and doesn’t care what other say. She’s not scared to express her feelings.She has a stunning smile and can make a guy melt.
Jack:Woah she’s a real Dina!
Johnny:I know,she’s to die for.


A niche memer that's really cute and beautiful and deserves so much. WE LOVE HER SHE IS A QUEEN.
Yo dude have u seen this niche memer?
Who bro?
Oh dude she gives me a boner she is so cute.
Same dude.


A short, amazing, adorable, fun person who loves to have fun and laugh and do art. An animal lover and plays instruments and sports. Loves cake but doesn't eat very often. What? My names not Dina... no...maybe?
You are such a Dina!


Dina is a born actress. A mysterious, intellegent, beautiful, exotic, sneaky, women. She lives her life leaving permanente foot prints in every ones heart and mind she meets even the ones she hurts, she gets everything she wants and gets away with everything she does. She has a hypnotizing way with people. You just can't get enough of her mystery and beauty even when you know her sexy devilish ways. she's dangerous yet everyone that she passes falls permanently in love with her.
Dina fooled me into loving her and toke all I had, but still I can't get enough of her.

I wish I can stay away from dina but her mysterious ways are irresistable.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:29:27