

俚语 dingleberry fairy

dingleberry fairy

Supernatural being that comes in at night and plucks dingleberries when you're sleeping and leaves a quarter under your pillow.
"I bought a gumball today with the quarter that the dingleberry fairy left me last night."

dingleberry fairy

the entity that gathers hair, dust, crap and fuzz and intertwines all matters around the ass hair to form the delightful berries, fresh for the picking.
that dingleberry fairy invited the queerest bunch of rejects to his party and i had to dickslap them.

dingleberry fairy

It's like the tooth fairy but it collects small peaces of feces tangled in pubic butt hole hair
I was visited by the dingleberry fairy when I forgot to wipe my ass

Dingleberry Fairy

A male who secretly engages in gay sex with other males. An epithet often used in a pejorative sense. See also...Butt Pirate, Chode Smoker, or Sugar Plum Fairy.
"Last night at the club, I could have sworn that your boy Seth was flirting with me."

"That Dingleberry Fairy was totally trying to pick your fruit, nai-mean!?'

Dingleberry Fairy

A male who engages in gay sex with other males. An epithet often used in a pejorative sense. See also...Butt Pirate, Chode Smoker, or Sugar Plum Fairy.
"Last night at the club, I could have sworn that your boy Seth was flirting with me."

"That Dingleberry Fairy was totally trying to pick your fruit, nai-mean!?'




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