

俚语 diogenes


1. A savage philosopher who lived naked in a barrel in ancient Athens, Greece. Diogenes would often piss on people he didn’t like.

2. When someone does something savage, like Diogenes
1. Diogenes is superior to all other humans.

2. Did you hear that Chris walked out of Mrs. Johnson’s class? He really pulled a Diogenes with that one.


A Greek philosopher who carried a lantern in the daytime, searching for an honest man.
You don't trust politicians because you think they're all dishonest? Good luck finding one who meets your standards, Diogenes.


Sexy boi. Goes to your school. Gets all the womens.
Dang, Diogenes stole my girlfriend again.


The white kid in your history class that will ask stupid, obvious, and just plain old retarded questions. He uses the word retarded way too much.
Diogenes: Hey Anthony, did you get you get your phone taken away?
Anthony: (On his phone) Goddamn It, I'M ON MY FUCKING PHONE RIGHT NOW.

Diogenes: Do we need a sleeping bag for the africa presentation?
Teacher: Diogenes, please just do your work.


Person with a super high ego and thinks he can mog anyone
Bro that kid is such a Diogenes




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