

俚语 dio spazzaneve

Dio spazzaneve

A italian word of rage :D

When you play games, and you will rage, dio spazzaneve is the correct answer! :D
dio cane, dio maiale,dio mela. dio kaneki nella valle degli investigatori di prima classe, mannaia a quel porco di gesu, madonna calimero, Dio spazzaneve :D

Dio spazzaneve

Dio spazzaneve is an italian verbal expression to approach people
Ciao, dio spazzaneve, come stai?
Hi, nice to meet you, how are you?

dio spazzaneve

Word used mostly by italians. It's used to call God as a snowplow.
when you slip during winter on the ice or the snow.
"dio spazzaneve! sono appena scivolato"
"dio spazzaneve! I just slipped"




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