

俚语 dip & dick

dip & dick

When you leave a public place to go fuck
him-“yo this party is lame”
her-“tryna dip & dick??”

Dip Dick

When yer on the potty and yer spittin a fat sippin lippie in between yer legs and yer spittin misfires and yer schlong gits all covered in dip juices
Dang Nabbit, momma didn't bring home twinkles and Mountain Dew from Walmart ... and I got dip dick!

Dip Dick

This term is used when you knowingly or unknowingly receive oral sex from a person that uses chewing tobacco. Creating a "my dick just chewed" sensation.
Hey Enus, I just went to that NASCAR event lookin' for some redneck satisfaction, and I got some nasty dip dick from Ellie-Mae!! : ' (((

Fun Dip Dick Dinging

When one Bro snorts a line of Fun Dip of another Bro's cock
"Yo, Bro I saw these two dude's Fun Dip Dick Dinging in the bathroom last night."
" Damn bro, We should Fun Dip Dick Ding tonight."
"Yeah bro who's dick gonna get dinged."
"Don't matter Bro"

Dick Dip

The dipping of one's dick into an object, usually as a prank. Similar to the tea bag.
Don: why does my coffee taste so weird?


[dick dips]

having sex, essentially dipping one's dick into a vagina.
"I was doing dick dips all night last night."

"I've been doing dick dips on so many broads lately that I'm getting tired."

"Sarah is sore from all the dick dips last night."

"Birds love it when I take them out for some dick dips."

dick dipping

Dipping your dick in a dipping sauce with a bobbing motion.
Bob: Was he just dick dipping into the BBQ sauce?
Pete: The hip motion looked like he was bobbing.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:19:49